GTPAK Registration Form

Fill in Registration information below.
Items with asterisk '*' indicate required information.

Registration Information
Sun Mar 30 23:10:45 EDT 2025

Password must be 6 to 12 characters and/or numbers.

If you forget your password, enter a hint that will remind you.

Deliveries are only done within the Georgetown area.

Authorised to sign for GTPAK deliveries

If you are not available when the package is delivered, list
up to 2 people authorised to sign for the package on your behalf.
Leave blank if you do not want anyone else to sign on your behalf.
You can add people later.

Please attach .pdf or .jpg copies of your documents
N.B: To upload multiple files hold down 'ctrl' and select the files
To upload multiple files hold down 'ctrl' and select the files